Jocelyn (Joy) R. Vinluan, CPA, joined the FUMC staff as its Accounting Manager in December 2007. She manages the church operating funds, payroll, and employee benefit programs. Joy is responsible for staying abreast of federal and state laws and regulations related to her duties, and preparing the church for annual external audits. She works closely with the Finance Committee and others to provide accurate financial reporting.
Before migrating to Chicago from the Philippines in 1999 to join her husband George, Joy was an accounting professor for 12 years and served as the UMC conference treasurer in the Philippines. Prior work experience in the United States included working as the accountant for a travel agency. Joy is a lifelong United Methodist and was given the short name of JOY by her Filipino Pastor. She earned her Illinois CPA in 2001. Joy and George are blessed to have lovely daughter named Melissa.