Jesus said wherever two or three Christians are together – he's there too. So we offer a combination of in-person and web meetings so you can participate with others in prayer, worship or social events. We hope to meet you online or in person soon!

All Day

Special Sunday: UMCOR Sunday

A special offering will be held during services for The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). UMCOR’s work can consists of national and international humanitarian relief, disaster response, sustainable development,…

Youth Group Meeting

James Parlor, 2nd Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO

This will begin in James Parlor during Fellowship Hour, before moving to the fourth floor.

All Flash, No Trash: Organ-Piano Duo Recital

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO

Tyler Kivel (piano) and Nicholas Schmelter (organ) will be presenting a recital with free will donation. They will also be performing during the 11 a.m. worship service as well.