Jesus said wherever two or three Christians are together – he's there too. So we offer a combination of in-person and web meetings so you can participate with others in prayer, worship or social events. We hope to meet you online or in person soon!
[In Person] 12:10 Wednesday Afternoon Worship
We are welcoming members to join us for our Wednesday Service. Face coverings are required to enter. Wednesday afternoon services will be live streamed on our Website or Facebook Page. Wednesday Bulletin Wednesday 12:10-12:40 PM Worship Services will take a Summer Vacation Starting June 15 - September 14
Wednesday Worship Service Cancelled
Wednesday Worship Service Cancelled
Warm Sounds from the City’s Heart
30 Minute Concerts featuring organist Dr. Phillip Kloeckner Four Sundays of Advent at 4:00pm (11/28, 12/5, 12, and 19) Four Wednesdays of Advent at 6:00pm (12/1, 8, 15, and 22)
Christmas Eve Worship Service
4 pm Lessons & Carols Service 7 pm Candlelight Service Face coverings are required to enter. Services will be also live streamed on our Website or Facebook Page.
Christmas Eve Worship Service
4 pm Lessons & Carols Service 7 pm Candlelight Service Face coverings are required to enter. Services will be also live streamed on our Website or Facebook Page.
Hope’s Table Chicago Saturday Meal Service
Hope's Table Chicago Saturday Meal Service Saturdays 8:30 a.m. - 9:30 a.m. Grace Place - 637 S. Dearborn Street If you wish to make clothing donations, please drop them off at Grace Place between 7:30-9:30 on Saturdays or email If you wish to volunteer on Saturdays, email Finally, if you wish to make…
No Christmas Day Worship Service
Remote: Web or Conference CallNo Christmas Day Worship Service
Virtual Monthly Coffee Hour CANCELLED
Every 4th Sunday of a month after both Sunday services. Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 2762 6600 One tap mobile +13126266799,,88527626600# US (Chicago) +13017158592,,88527626600# US (Washington DC)
[In Person] 8:30 Sunday Morning Worship
Remote: Web or Conference CallFace coverings are required to enter. Services will be also live streamed on our Website or Facebook Page.