Jesus said wherever two or three Christians are together – he's there too. So we offer a combination of in-person and web meetings so you can participate with others in prayer, worship or social events. We hope to meet you online or in person soon!

Special Fellowship Hour

James Parlor, 2nd Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Church is invited to socialize after the 8:30 a.m. service and before the 11 a.m. service on this particular Sunday! There will not be a coffee hour at 12:15 p.m.…

KAIA String Quartet Concert

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

KAIA String Quartet is a Chicago-based ensemble devoted to capturing the essence of Latin American culture through the medium of the string quartet. You may hear them in concert here…

Chicago Lymphoma Walk

Location: Montrose Harbor (600 West Montrose Harbor Drive, Chicago, IL 60613) Come help those who are impacted by blood cancer by volunteering for the walk. Here are ways you could be…