Jesus said wherever two or three Christians are together – he's there too. So we offer a combination of in-person and web meetings so you can participate with others in prayer, worship or social events. We hope to meet you online or in person soon!

Unpacking Racism

Sycamore United Methodist Church 160 Johnson Ave, Sycamore, IL, United States

The church is called to lead by our example within our own lives, our institutions and by prophetic witness in society. One of the adopted strategic goals of our Annual…


Saturday Evening Service

Dixon Chapel, 2nd Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Why is 5:00 on a Saturday evening the perfect time to connect with God? We know weekends are busy and Sunday morning doesn't always work for church so join us…


Second Saturday Potluck

Dixon Chapel, 2nd Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Some of Jesus’ most amazing ministry occurred around a dinner table. Join us on the second floor for a potluck dinner. No agenda, no program, no stress, just dinner. There…


Morning Prayer

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Join us for a half-hour of intercessory prayer! We'll pray for people attending the service, our ministry team and others serving our community. We gather at the back of the…


Sunday Morning Service – 8:30

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Join us to hear Rev. Dr. Myron McCoy on Sunday morning at 8:30. You'll find us in the main sanctuary. Sermon: Seeing and Turning On the Light Scripture: 1 Corinthians…


Class – Parenting Young Children

4th Floor Ministry 77 West Washington Street, Chicago, IL, United States

How can you raise ethical kids? Do you like many things about the Bible but have reservations about some parts that don't seem relevant or right for people today? Childcare…


Sunday Morning Service – 11:00

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Join us to hear Rev. Dr. Myron McCoy on Sunday morning at 8:30. You’ll find us in the main sanctuary. Sermon: Seeing and Turning On the Light Scripture: 1 Corinthians…


Annual Soul Food Luncheon

James Parlor, 2nd Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

All are welcome to this time of fellowship and learning as we celebrate African American Heritage Month during February! Our luncheon speaker will be Alden Loury, Senior Editor on topics…


Wednesday Noon Service

Sanctuary, 1st Floor 77 W. Washington, CHICAGO, IL, United States

Join us for a worship service at noon every Wednesday.
