A Sanctuary of Sound
in the Heart of the City
Support the Restoration
The restoration of Opus 414 is a challenging project that will need the spiritual and financial support of all who see and hear this call.
Since the organ is meant not only for the church, but also for the inspiration of our city and the world, we seek your assistance in realizing the enormous potential of a fully functioning, colorful, and monumental musical instrument of this type.
The total project goal is 3 million dollars and includes funds for the physical restoration of the organ, for continued maintenance, and for a performance fund to ensure that the organ can be heard in a wide variety of contexts in perpetuity.
One-Time Donations
For one-time gifts, please visit The Chicago Temple's donations page. Select the "Donate" button under the Opus 414 heading and complete the form as instructed.
No gift is too small to be useful to the restoration. If you are able to make an extended commitment to our fundraising campaign over the next 1-3 years, there are three ways to make your pledge:
Please complete the online Organ Restoration Pledge Form, posted below.
By Mail
Print a paper Organ Restoration Contribution Form and, once completed, mail it to us at:
Erik Nussbaum
Director of Music and the Arts
First UMC at the Chicago Temple
77 W Washington St, Floor 2
Chicago IL, 60602
You may also mail checks to the above address. Please add "Opus 414" to the subject line to ensure your contributions go towards this project.
By Phone
We are happy to accept your pledges over the phone at (312) 854-3835.
Giving Tiers
The Committee for the Restoration of Opus 414 has established the following tiers of giving to guide you while considering your pledge to project. Please give as generously as you are able over the next three years to support this once-in-a-century opportunity for our church and city. We thank you deeply for your vision, generosity, and support.
Giving Levels | |
Naming Gift | $1.25 Million and higher |
Seraphim | Up to $1.25 Million |
Cherubim | Up to $249,999 |
Thrones | Up to $99.999 |
Dominions | Up to $49,999 |
Virtues | Up to $24,999 |
Powers | Up to $9,999 |
Principalities | Up to $4,999 |
Archangels | Up to $999 |
Angels | Up to $99 |
Organ Restoration Pledge Form
Thank you for deciding to help us bring historic, symphonic-style pipe organ Opus 414 back to its full glory. Please complete the form, below, to make your pledge in support of this project.
Questions can referred to Chairs of the Organ Restoration Finance Committees Jason Reed (revjasonreed@gmail.com) or Erik Nussbaum (erik@chicagotemple.org). You can also call us at (312) 854-3835.
Thank you so much for your support and encouragement of our vision for a vibrant organ at the corner of Clark and Washington Streets!