To be Christ to those in need of food, clothing, social services and/or shelter in the heart of Chicago
The Hope’s Table ministry is designed to serve the needs of Chicagoans who are homeless or hungry and is sponsored by First United Methodist Church at the Chicago Temple, with collaborative support from other organizations. Saturday morning services typically include serving hot meals and to go food, distributing clothing, and connecting guests with legal support through DePaul University’s Neighborhood Legal Assistance Program. Hope’s Table also offers its guests periodic access to medical care through the Heartland Alliance and access to social work services from either DePaul University or community service providers. Of course, the foundation of everything is spiritual ministry and maintaining a strong sense of community among guests and volunteers. Grace Episcopal Church partners in many ways, most visibly by providing space at 637 S. Dearborn.
Approximately 25 volunteers are on site every week, and another 10-15 provide support behind the scenes (driving, cooking, or organizing supplies). Volunteers include those who attend FUMC or other area churches, student groups, organizations, and members of the community. Volunteers are critical! See the “Volunteering” section for more information.
To volunteer or donate, please contact our volunteer coordinator.
Every Saturday morning 25 volunteers serve a meal to 125-150 men and women at Grace Place located at 637 S. Dearborn in the Printer’s Row neighborhood. See the “Volunteering” section below for information on how to get involved.
Volunteers help with registering guests, preparing and serving meals, set-up, clothing distribution, and clean up. When you volunteer with us, you get the satisfaction of helping others and you'll enjoy working with our friendly, experienced volunteers -- you may even make new friends!

Spiritual Services
A group of volunteers start each morning with a quick and special time of worship and reflections on encouraging hope and a sense of purpose for guests.
Speakers, Special Guests and Social Services
Time is spent with guests with special needs to help them put their lives together by establishing an address, getting Social Security cards, etc. and help in directing them to Government agencies or specific organizations for available assistance.
One goal of the ministry is to educate and provide cultural enrichment for our guests. Guest speakers educate our guests about legal rights and social services. Musicians provide special entertainment, such as the FUMC choir which sings around Christmas and Easter. Any person or group who is interested in the problems of homelessness or would like to entertain guests is welcome.
Partnerships with other agencies provide special services to guests or expand capabilities in service areas. This includes a partnership with DePaul University Law School to provide limited legal services, and Heartland Alliance.
To share information about a speaker, entertainment, or a group to work with our ministry, please contact our volunteer coordinator.

At current rates of expenditure, total costs for 2019 come to $43,150. With the exception of the Grace Place rent, these costs are met entirely by the generous donations of Temple members and friends. Over $10,000 of these funds are spent on providing clothing to guests. This is in addition to many clothing donations. An average of 125 guests per week are served, with several weeks approaching 150. Over 100 volunteers help in different capacities, in addition to a committee of nine who make the executive decisions. The DePaul Neighborhood Legal Assistance Project, which partners with us by providing legal services to our guests, sees between 9 and 14 people every other week, and Heartland Alliance volunteers provide basic medical care to guests.
Donations of clothing and personal items
Drop donations at Grace Place on Saturday mornings, or leave small donations in the church office throughout the week.
Most needed clothing items: Gently used jeans, t-shirts, hoodies, gym shoes, boots, and backpacks. In winter we need long-johns, coats, and gloves. Socks and underwear are purchased new. Larger sizes are always welcome. Donate these items in a package or, possibly better, donate the money for their purchase.
Most needed personal items: New toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap, shampoo, hand towels, moisturizer/lotion, baby powder, and razors for shaving. Hotel and travel sizes are great.
Donation of food items
To donate food, please email our volunteer coordinator.

Donate Money
Most money goes to purchase food and clothing for guests. This works out to about $4.58 per guest per week, which is pretty economical considering that they receive a hot and cold breakfast and brunch as well as eggs, fruit, and pastries. In addition this covers the cost of providing guests with clean underwear and socks, as well as shoes from Soles 4 Souls, for which the ministry pays only the shipping costs.
Members of FUMC Chicago donate most of the money. Plus about $10,000 comes from the FUMC Chicago operating budget.
You can donate through this link.